Sunday, November 25, 2007


Yesterday Bethany spent about 2 hours measuring everything and completing a floorplan and at the end of it she calculated the living space; 1450 square feet. Yep, we've been had, screwed by the man. We're a full 150 feet short of what our contract says that we bought, which is precisely why we should've calculated it BEFORE we offered.

Okay, okay, I know what you're thinking, who cares 150 feet, well you're right, I really don't care about the extra footage that we had on Friday that disappeared when Bethany did her calculations, but it's the idea that it exists on paper someplace and that we signed our name to it. It's just one more reason that nobody is really looking out for you when you get into a house; especially not your realtor.

Anyhow, things here are progressing slowly if anything. Too much Tofurky this past weekend and plenty of naps. I'm almost done with the insulation and when I'm done I'll begin on doing the insulation under the house in the crawlspace, actually, I'll probably begin the vapor barrier. I've got two days of vacation left for the year and I fully expect to finish the year out at my present position even though I'm not happy there, so I'll most likely devote one of those days to working on the house. One thing that is almost done is my office. I started it awhile ago and installed my monitors on my desk, hooked up my new machine and put in a shelf about 10" from the ceiling. The idea of the shelf was to put my speakers and lay some of my unframed artwork and things that I didn't want to get too dusty up there. I was even going to use it as a home for my external drives but I couldn't find a firewire cable for less than $30. The only thing I need to finish is to get something to place my printer/fax machine on and possibly a wall mount for a television B's Dad gave us.

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