Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Ticking Time Bomb

I somehow managed to forget about the money we need to put down at closing. We have it but it isn't easy to get to. So I woke up Monday realizing that I may have screwed us. It has been a stressful 3 days getting the money from one bank to another, and then wiring it to a 3rd bank. The last step is the cashier's check tomorrow, and we can breathe a little easier.

The seller is a little nutty. Too many stories to describe. But we originally scheduled the settlement at 4pm. A couple of weeks ago, she asked to move it up, since she has to drive to Maine afterwards. So we moved it to 10am. Then, when we met with her to "tour the gardens," she mentioned that she would need a couple of extra hours after closing to get her stuff out, "But you'll still get the keys." After a few minutes, I realized that didn't sound right...and our realtor agreed. So now she is complaining that she won't have enough time to do a walk-through and get her stuff moved out by the 10am settlement appointment. I'm not sure if she knows she's selling the house, and at the end of it all, she has to get the hell out.

Meanwhile, our apartment is packed (mostly). It's a disaster area. The dog is surrounded by a labyrinth of boxes, like in "The Shining." Except all she has to do is chew her way out. Someone asked me, "is that [big hole in the box] from mice?" No...that's Juno, the box-eating dog. No, she's not a lesbian. Well, actually, she does hump female dogs, but that is for another blog at another time...

Sitting 36 hours from being a homeowner, I desperately want to be out of boxes and have a bottle of wine. I can't wait til this is over and we're moved in.

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